Women's Ministry


About Women Of Purpose

Our vision is to create unified bonds among the women of Deliverance Temple Worship Center and beyond, so that we can have an impact on the church and its surrounding community.

​“The women’s ministry of DT desire to live according to the word of God. We are women of purpose positioned and empowered for spiritual growth, personal development and leaders of our generations. As women of purpose, we will contribute to the general welfare of the home, church, community and world.”

​Join us every 2nd Thursday at 7:00PM for a time fellowship and discipleship at DT.

We are Women of Purpose, destined for greatness and multiplication. We are our sister’s keeper!

  • To increase giving in Children Ministry
  • To increase the worship attendance
  • DT Children Church is available during regular Sunday morning at 11:00 AM and Friday evening at 7:00 PM